Monday, June 30, 2008

Thought for the day

It is believed that with the blocking of one senses, you are able to open the other areas of senses.

Just imagine, if you are floating in water, just like a cork in a soundproof, dark room, where the body and the head cannot figure out your senses………

The chances are it will open avenues to other areas of the senses which we never knew that we possessed.

Perhaps the sixth sense or the seventh ?

Must try it one of these days – it can open answers to many a question that have been lying unanswered for years


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James Shelnutt said...

Have you ever seen the movie "Altered States" starring William Hurt? He does what you suggest (float in a isolation tank on water) and it gives him quite an experience. A pretty good sci-fi movie, also kind of scary at some points.

Shankar Pandiath said...

thanks mariah/ thanks james - shall have look over re. altered states.......keep in touch...